March 16, 2023

website admin2023 Lenten Devotional

Prompt thought of the week:

The Samaritan woman at the well found out that the water she came for was not really the water she needed so desperately. This woman had looked for love in many places, in many faces, and when finally offered a soul-quenching love by Jesus, she became a powerful messenger of Good News. Just as the water given by God that flowed in the desert for the Israelites offered new life, the desert of our lives can be refreshed if we look for love regularly at the well of living water and offer life-giving water to others.

There is a saying about casting your bread upon the waters and it will return to you manyfold. I think the same is true about love. In most cases, the more you give the more you receive. 

Just think about how good you feel when you do a random or deliberate act of kindness for another. It makes them feel good and you too. 

So, when you are feeling blue or down go do something for someone else or volunteer your time.  I assure you that it will help turn your feelings around. But do not get so caught up in doing good that you do not tend to your own needs. It is said you should love your neighbor as yourself and sometimes people forget about that last part and find it harder to do than the first part. You cannot help others if you get sick or incapacitated. Like the flight attendant says put your own mask on before you put one on your child. The same concept applies here.

Prayer: God help me to show love to others in all ways that I am capable of so doing. Also help me to recognize when I need some self-care.

Dorothy Northey