Napa Methodist Church Community Connection - Providing affordable housing

Community Connection

Sally ArchambaultPastor's Blog

The New York Times recently ran an article called “What Churches Offer That ‘Nones’
Still Long For”. It’s part of a series by Jessica Grose, about Americans moving away
from religion.

She writes: “‘Community’ was mentioned in over 2,300 reader responses. I asked every
sociologist I interviewed whether communities created around secular activities outside
of houses of worship could give the same level of wraparound support that churches,
temples, and mosques are able to offer. Nearly across the board, the answer was no.

As the authors of The Great Dechurching: Who’s Leaving, Why Are They Going, and
What Will Bring Them Back?, all of whom are pastors, write: ‘In our opinion, America is
largely built for a specific type of person. If you belong to a nuclear family, graduate from
college, and have children after marriage, America’s institutions tend to work better for
you. If you get off that track (or never started on it), the U.S. is a more difficult place in
which to thrive.’ They go on to say that church culture can feel unwelcoming and even
shaming to people who are struggling financially or have family structures outside the
model they describe.

I’d like to see faith communities do a better job of including people who aren’t on that, if
you will, ordained track…. because everyone needs community to flourish.”

I’m encouraged by the steps we’re taking to partner with Burbank, and Napa Valley
Community Housing, to build workforce housing and welcome people into community
with us. Our worship series in July is called “Risky Business” and as often happens, the
theme mirrors/matches what’s happening in and around us. Extending our community
might be risky business but as doors continue to open for this “Transformation Project”
to go forward, I’m confident that we’re doing what Bishop Sally Dyck described to our
Annual Conference last month as the mission of United Methodists. “Following Jesus.
Thriving in Community. Healing the World.”

I’m blessed to be walking this walk with you for another year. It’s all grace!

In faith Marylee

Ps. This Sunday is Communion and Intergenerational Worship and (read more below)
you don’t want to miss it!