Making Time for God

Filling Your Well

Sally ArchambaultPastor's Blog

Today through Sunday, Barbara Barrett, David Tokar, and I will be at Annual
Conference. My appreciation of this huge gathering of clergy and lay members from
throughout the California-Nevada Conference has grown… from overwhelm and dread
to awe and gratitude. We gather for a business meeting, bringing our own theological
and political agendas, trying to leave our calendars and to-do lists at home, doing our
best to be present to the work of the Holy Spirit, and to each other.

It takes a lot of emotional energy for this closet introvert. I’ll need to remember that
walking, time alone, and one-on-one conversations, fill my soul’s well. Those practices
are always important to my wellbeing, and when I forget them I’m in danger of those two
red flags I used to experience at Conference: overwhelm and dread. Sometimes I’m
embarrassed at having a limit to my emotional energy, but the Holy Spirit patiently
reminds me (okay sometimes it takes a kick in the pants) that loving and caring for
myself helps me to love and care for others.

What are some of the physical, emotional, and spiritual practices that fill your well?
Knowing and honoring them – and helping others discover soul-filling practices – is part
of the work of the church. When we return from Annual Conference, Barbara, David,
and I will want to share more of what we’ve learned and experienced about the work of
the church.

In faith, Marylee