Friday, February 16

Sally Archambault2024 Lenten Devotional


The year 2023 was a kick in the butt for me.  I felt like every adjustment I made to accommodate George was too late.

It started out with the shower.  We had a sunken bath tub in the master bathroom.  I had that removed and changed into a handicapped accessible shower.  When it was done his disease had progressed so he couldn’t shower independently.  I did a lot of his shower in the beginning.  He now participates more and sometimes says, “I need a shower.”

When he reached the point where he couldn’t safely use a walker, I borrowed a wheelchair from Share the Care.  It was large, black, very stiff, and very heavy.  We nicknamed it “Bertha Butt”.  Eventually we got a customized wheelchair for George through Kaiser.  I returned Bertha to Share the Care.

Walking up and down the front door steps became difficult for George.  Through Share the Care I obtained the name of a contractor who would build an ADA ramp.  The ramp was done in November and has made life easier for us.  Not so much fun when it rains – but hey, life isn’t perfect and neither are we.

Prayer:  Dear God, please remind me that we are both in this together.  I only wish that you didn’t have so much faith that I could handle all this stuff.  Could you please dial it back a bit?   Amen

George and Lidia Bertalotto