Friday, March 8

Sally Archambault2024 Lenten Devotional


Thunder demands our attention.  It cannot be ignored.  It is loud and forceful, and sometimes a little frightening. 

In Exodus, God used thunder to get Pharaoh’s attention when He sent the plague of hail (Exodus 9).  In Revelation, “flashes of lightning, rumblings, and peals of thunder“ are associated with God’s throne (Revelation 4). The thunder reminds us of the infinite power of our mighty God.

Sometimes thunder comes into our lives in the form of an event or a diagnosis that shakes our world to the very core.  Something that gets our attention and slows us down, and makes us listen.  Something that makes us realize that we cannot go forward in our own strength.  Something that propels us into the arms of a loving God, Who can calm the storm, quiet the thunder, and show us the way through.

Prayer:  Loving God, we thank You that You are more powerful than any storm that will come into our lives.  We ask You to be with us, hold us close, and bring us safely through the storms of life.  Amen

Catherine Pribyl