Good Friday, March 29

Sally Archambault2024 Lenten Devotional


It is difficult to put my foot inside the shoes of those who followed Jesus. Their lives were changed, and many would say at the time, not for the better. They left what they knew and gave up security, for the unknown. The outcome is known to us, but it wasn’t known to them at that time.

Those disciples had one common thread, trust. It is a difficult prospect in our time. To trust another, to follow and let someone else lead. I’m sure I am not alone in having been betrayed with my trust. So, it becomes natural to be skeptical.

Yet there are times when we openly and willingly open ourselves. Think of a time you were lost. It could have been out hiking, or even driving in an unfamiliar area (without cell service). The person, or group that shows us the way, is welcomed.

When dark times in our life overshadow us. When the pressure of all that is being thrown at us becomes too much. Stumbling under the weight of the world. It is easy to forget, often because of pride, that we have a family, a kin-dom, that can help us shine light into the darkness.

Those early disciples were called upon to be helpers to those in need. Even so, they often were the ones needing help.

Prayer:  In our discipleship, may we see how to help those in need, and allow others to help us when we need a hand in the darkness.  Amen

Kevin Pope