Hearing Assistance Devices

Listen Hearing Assistance Device at Napa Methodist Church

We have 12 hearing assistance devices in the sanctuary that also work in Fellowship Hall. They receive sound directly from the soundboard via an FM signal.

The small receiving device has two arrow keys which allow the user to control the volume.

The neck loop plugs into the receiver at both ends to hang around the user’s neck. It also serves as a transmitting antenna to a hearing aid’s T  Coil.

The earpiece plugs directly into the receiver to use for those who are not sending the signal directly to a T Coil hearing aid. The piece can clip to your ear or be handheld. Also, earphones or earbuds brought from home work very well with the device and provide better sound quality than the single earphone provided.

Questions? Ask Mary Herzog or Don Hitchcock. Or, ask one of the Hosts on Sunday morning.

If you wear hearing aids and want to know more about T coils or TeleCoils, ask your hearing aid dispenser if your aids have them and how to activate them for even better sound quality.