Monday, March 11

Sally Archambault2024 Lenten Devotional


In my life, I have been lost, physically and emotionally.  Both are difficult!

Driving down the road is a scary thing when you’re not sure where or when to turn next.  Road signs are not always there, and GPS can be spotty.  What do I do?

Having anxious moments without answers to help navigate through the panic is devastating. These moments challenge our very being.  The fight or flight response kicks in making the situations even more dreadful, making symptoms and situations worse than with the initial onset.   What do I do?

When either of these things happen to me, what do I do?  I try to remain calm and remember that I am not alone. God is always with me.  I even ask myself, “what good could come from this or what lesson is here?”.  I may figure out the blessing or lesson of these events right away or I may look back on them some day in the future and say, ohh, that is why that happened, maybe it was a good thing.  Even if I never realize why they happen or understand the lesson I could have learned, I remember my mother’s words to me on many occasions as I was growing up, “You are always in your right place, surrounded by the ever-loving arms of God”.  I think of my Mom all the time and remember many comforting messages she gave me. I was always and still am blessed with loving and supportive family members who also wrap me in their arms to help me through anything that makes me feel lost.

Prayer:  Dear God, continue to surround us all with your ever-loving arms.  If we feel lost, bless us with the knowledge that you are always with us and that with your help, we will always find our way.  Amen

Loie Whitmer