Thursday, March 28

Sally Archambault2024 Lenten Devotional


I puzzled over this topic…Could I relate? I was thinking and thinking about this. Then Sunday rolled around, and I’m in church listening to Keith Calera’s awesome sermon, when his last statements struck me …He said:

“So, what does it mean to be known as fishers?

I guess it means being known as messy people

Who reach out to other messy people

So that we can learn how to be messy and loving people together.”

Messy people-misfits…. reaching out to other messy people. What a concept!

The reaching out part and the loving each other part I get, it’s what I was brought up with, and was fortunate to have parents that showed me what that looked like.

It’s just that there are times I feel depressed or not good enough and I can get caught up in my issues. I feel just like a messy misfit.

But you know what? God knows this about me. I know He loves me anyway. I think He knows I’m good enough. He won’t unlove me just because I fret or feel unlovable, or act unlovable because of those feelings.

So, aren’t I- aren’t we all- good enough (even in our messy “misfitness”) to do the reaching out and loving?  Can it be so simple? It can if we live it.  Let it be so.

Prayer:  Dear God, please help me reach out to others in love, knowing that I am good enough just as I am, one of Gods beloved, worthy to show love and be loved.  Amen

. .  Now I’m remembering the scripture from Romans that says in part “And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow”

Jannie Amoroso