Wednesday, February 21

Sally Archambault2024 Lenten Devotional


We all have a lot of uncertainty in our lives that can cause us worry and stress, but it sometimes brings excitement and anticipation!  We might wonder what birthday or Christmas gift we will receive or anticipate and look forward to spending time with a special friend or relative. We have no way of knowing exactly how things will turn out!

Can we find a way to let go of the worry and stress linked to uncertainty about something that we might dread or expect the worst of?  Can we think of uncertainty as a gift? Many of us enjoy puzzles and challenges. What if we viewed uncertainty as an interesting puzzle or challenge. We are encouraged to give God challenges that we feel unable to handle. Could it be a gift to us that we can let go of it by giving it to God!  

Prayer:  Dear Lord, please help me let go of my worry and stress about uncertainty in my life and to give it up to you!   Amen

Ruth Jenkins McIntire