Wednesday, March 20

Sally Archambault2024 Lenten Devotional


“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above” James 1:17

When I hear the word temptation, it makes me think of many things I am tempted by, drinking, eating, and shopping.  This year I participated in Dry January and wasn’t really tempted to drink a glass of Champagne.  I thought, “This is good, I can overcome a temptation with the right willpower.” 

I don’t think this is the type of temptation God is trying to talk about.  How is it possible that temptation is a gift?  I could turn it around to say, “What if I am tempted to do something good?  What gifts do I have that I could use for good?”  I know my gift is hospitality.  I love welcoming people into my home.  I love welcoming new people to church.  But should I use my gift as a temptation?  Can I tempt myself to do something bigger?  What about our new monthly community lunch?  What gifts do I have to invite those outside our church?   

Prayer:  Writing this now is giving me inspiration and I know this is a gift from above. Amen  

Liz Marks